In our religion, we believe in Fasting for 2 meals the first Sunday of the month and pray for those things that we need help with most in our lives. I love this opportunity! It means so much to me to grow closer to my God. BUT.... Since I'm not eating breakfast or lunch, I'm also not taking my 2 Q96 in the morning nor my 2 Q96 in the early afternoon. When we come home from church after 4pm, we get quickly get dinner ready, Bless the food, and then we get to eat. For me, it really is too late in the day to take my vitamins. They energize me, so I have to take them before 2pm in order to fall asleep at night. So, by the time the evening rolls around and I have not had any Q96 during the day at all, I am irritable and explosive! I know, that's awful, but it's true! I feel like I have no control over my anger and reactions. Yesterday, I ended up yelling at everyone and then shut myself in my room for the rest of the night. It's so sad! THIS is what I am like without the nourishing benefits of EMPowerplus Q96.
What is it like for me when I DO take my Q96 everyday?
In the morning I take 1 Q Biotics and then 2 Q Amino Acids. I get the kids out the door, bounce on my Cellerciser and then I eat breakfast (eQuivalient+ shake) and take 2 and sometimes 3 Q96. By the time 30 minutes passes, I feel my head clear, I feel calm, and I'm ready to get to work. At about 1pm or so, I eat lunch and take 2 more Q96. This daily process really helps me work hard to stay on top of my schedule. Being a mom of 7 kids is a LOT of work, physically and mentally. Having an autoimmune disorder and a mental disorder doesn't help any, but Q Sciences products save me on a daily basis. I can get through the days with the ability to be calm, have mental clarity, stay focused, have enough energy, and cope with and keep up with the crazy-busy schedules and all the household chores. Can you see why I LOVE these products?!?!
If you would like to try a bottle for the wholesale price without committment, click HERE!
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Disclaimer: Q Sciences products nor these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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