Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Q Pets - My poor momma kitty

My poor cat looks lethargic, like she's at deaths door. Two weeks ago, she gave birth to 6 kittens. They literally have been sucking the life out of her. So today, I opened up my bottle of Q Pets and gave her a wafer. This evening she's finally walking around. I'll keep updating as time goes on. I have an appointment for her to get spayed as soon as these kittens are 7 weeks old.
Update: Our Momma kitty looks so so much better! She's not just lying around, neglecting her kittens. She's so much better!

Q pets provides quality vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in a chewable, easy to digest wafer specially formulated for optimal brain health and nutrition in animals. Because our pets are more than just loyal companions, Q pets is the perfect way to make sure that your furry friends are receiving the essential nutrition they need to live a healthy, happy and lifestyle.

Brain and mood health are not just a priority for people, our pets deserve to feel their best too. Q pets supports brain health while also easing aggressive or panic behavior.

Q sciences will donate a portion of the proceeds to Best Friends Animal Society, the largest no-kill sanctuary in the United States.

If you would like to go to my website to look at the products, click HERE

Disclaimer: Q Sciences products nor these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease.

If you have any questions, please email me at:

(Update: So Funny! My younger cat just came over to the cupboard and started meow-ing. I'm looking at her like, 'What?' Then I realized she wanted her vitamin! How CUTE!!! I gave it to her and she ate it right up! Even animals can know what's good for them and want to feel better!)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Let me tell you about my son. From the time he was born, he was monopolizing of my time and demanding. He wouldn't sleep in a bed. We would have to have him in a rocker or a bouncer. He wouldn't eat food until he was well over a year old. He nursed until he was 18 months. The only reason why I weaned him it was because I was trying to get pregnant.

As a child, he was constantly busy, constantly getting into things, constantly climbing and jumping and running around and drive me crazy. He was rarely ever obedience.

When he was in first grade the teacher used to put his desk outside the classroom because he was so disruptive and distracted easily.

In second grade I chose to homeschool him. He would cry a lot and he would baby talk a lot and he refused to focus on reading or  writing or anything else. It did not go well for us. I would get angry with him too much.

So I put him back in school in third grade this is when he was diagnosed with "ADD / ADHD LIKE SYMPTOMS" and put him on Adderall. He did well on it for the first two years.

He took Adderall through fourth grade.

When fifth-grade started, he complained about stomachaches and headaches and he had developed tics. He would be psycho-acting psycho-looking when he came down off of the medication, so we stopped it there and he didn't take it in fifth grade. His only friend was his teacher. the kids bullied him. He hated 5th grade.

This is when I started exploring nutrition. I cleaned up our diets with real food, tried  different assortments of nutritional supplements and put us all on cod liver oil. It helped our physical health, but didn't quite cut it with our mental health.

By the end of the school year two years ago, as a sophomore, his mental abilities were shot. He couldn't focus on any of the schoolwork. I had to sit down with him through all of his homework in all of his subjects point to each individual question or problem. I had to type out his language arts assignments with him next to me telling me what to type. It was a nightmare for both of us. He also had no control over his anger outbursts. All of my other children were afraid of him. He couldn't be anywhere near any of them. My anxiety was already through the roof and I was to the point of being mentally incapable of doing any of my responsibilities as a wife and mother.

As that school year ended, I told my mother all that we had been going through. She told me that she had just heard from a friend of hers of a multivitamin called EMPpowerplus Q96 that was designed to help people with anxiety, ADD, and bipolar disorder. She gave me $100 and told me to buy two bottles, one for me and one for my son.

Within 3 to 4 days of taking the Q96, both of us said that we were feeling better. We could fall sleep better, we could stay asleep better, and we could wake up better. I felt more calm throughout the day and able to take care of my children. He was more pleasant and didn't have the anger outbursts like he usually did. He was able to focus and be calm and happy. 
This past school year he did so so much better! I didn't have to sit down with him to do his homework. He was so much more pleasant. My oldest daughter told that she was glad that he was now becoming the fun brother she always wanted him to be.  I can now foresee him having a successful future!
We both have been taking it for over a year now. It's helped us both in more ways than I can express. We won't ever stop taking it!

If you have any questions, please email me at:

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, September 28, 2015


Here's a summary of proof that Q96 works.

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease.

 If you have any questions, please email me at:

Friday, September 18, 2015

Story by B. Overcoming depression

In early 2014, tired of feeling so many of the side effects of my medication and so few of what had once been the benefits, I decided to titrate myself off one of the compounds I’d been taking for four years.  A few months later, in June, I took myself off the second one.  
I knew it might be risky; that is, I knew I might end up back in the quicksand.  But I yearned to find some Other Way—some way that didn’t involve psychotropic help.  I wanted to see if Being Me again would be tolerable.  Or even doable.  Would I be able to manage the unmedicated me?  Would I even recognize her?  
I’d been off all medication for only a few days when a friend ,acted on a nudge to reach out to m, gave me some samples of EMPower Plus Q96.  She told me that this supplement had transformed the life of her son, who had suffered a brain injury several years before.  It had brought him back to himself, she said.  And the idea of coming back to myself—perhaps my better self?—prompted me to agree to try the product.  I was hopeful.  And, hey:  I was off meds and feeling merely adequate.  I hadn’t crashed yet.  But I hadn’t reconnected with the formerly healthy me, either.  Accepting a nutritional boost seemed preferable to waiting for the illness to leech the color from my life.  What could it hurt to test drive a mineral-vitamin supplement, one my friend promised would “penetrate the blood brain barrier” in a way other supplements could not?  I took the samples.  Gratefully.
Within forty-eight hours of starting the Q96, I did indeed feel something.  A curtain parted, my mood lifted, the sticky mist that had settled in my head dissipated, and I.  Felt.  Good.  
Really good.  I called my friend and told her how good I felt—how light, how normal, how at ease in my being.  I hadn’t felt so good in a long time, I told her.  And it was true.  
Miraculously, the feeling of wellness persisted.  The mental clarity I had missed so dearly returned, and as the months moved along, that clarity intensified.  The anxiety that had so often accompanied even the most quotidian of tasks dissolved, replaced by a certainty that I could attend to life’s details in a way I’d never been fit to do before.  I found myself saying, “I haven’t felt this good since I was a child” . . .
Perhaps the oddest thing was remembering exactly how my lived experience of anxiety and depression had felt.  Yet at the same time, I’d stepped into a new life, or, more accurately, a new self—a self no longer tethered to that former anguish.     
To me, being well means more than just relief from acute fear, worry, and even mood cycling.  And it means more than being liberated from the brutal self-criticism that so often accompanies anxiety in particular.  I no longer feel like the earth’s gravitational pull is stronger on me than on other people.  On the contrary, I feel like I have shed layers of sackcloth, even layers of old, itchy skin.  I have slid free of the me that obsessed and ruminated; the me that awoke from night terrors with tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.
That a simple mineral-vitamin supplement could have fixed my brain seems almost laughable.  Except that it’s not.  In a state of mental wellness, I now am free to exercise the gifts I always knew were mine but didn’t always have access to.  I now am free to parent my four children in the way I consistently wished to historically but so often could not because I lacked both the will and the traction. 
But when you’re well, you can be who you want to be.  You can do what you were born to do, regardless of which kinds of muscles that effort requires—physical, mental, emotional.  And you can love the way you want to love, whenever the urge strikes you, and in whatever way feels most natural.  
I like to think of Q96 as a kind of re-messaging mechanism, bringing my brain back online in a way that allowed me not only to reclaim my gifts, but to be my best self.
If you are interested in trying Q96 for yourself, here is my website:

Here is the website if you want to try a bottle or sample!

My Website link

FYI: There is another product called EMPowerplus Q96M. The M means that the folate and B12 are in the methyl form.

If you have any questions, please email me at:
*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease.

Q Biotics for Healthy intestines!!!

Rejoice!!! After 30 years of trying to figure out how to be "regular," I have finally found a probiotic to work for me!!! 
Granted, I eat a healthy diet and drink a lot of water, but it wasn't enough. I take one capsule first thing every morning on an empty stomach. This specially designed to not digest in the stomach but it releases over a 12-hour period in the intestines. It nourishes the intestines and replenishes good bacteria so that the nutrition in foods and in EMPowerplus and be absorbed better. It also can help control yeast growth.

Disclaimer: Q Sciences products nor these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

(All images came from Q Sciences website)

Click on the link and scroll down a ways to find the Q Biotics.

If you have any questions, please email me at:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Healthy teeth

Several years ago I purchased a book called Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel. This was life changing for me. I have an autoimmune disorder called Sjogren's Syndrome. One of its main symptoms is Dry Mouth. I go get my teeth cleaned every 6 months and in the past I have always had 1 or 2 or more cavities. I once had a dentist tell me many years ago when I was 28 that I have the teeth of an 80 year old.

I started changing my diet. I did everything I could to improve the health of my teeth. I went from getting several cavities each 6 month period to only getting 1 or 2. These oral health improvements and dietary changes weren't enough to keep me from getting cavities.
I started taking EMPowerplus Q96 a little over a year ago and Q omega oils and Q Biotics about 8 months ago. 6 months ago when I went to the dentist for a cleaning, for the first time in a really long time, I didn't have any cavities at all. Recently, I went to the dentist for a cleaning and AGAIN, No Cavities! I have been cavity-free for 1 year! You would have to know the seriousness of Sjogren's to know how incredibly significant this is! I am so relieved to find this method of nourishing my body to help keep my teeth healthy!

If you have any questions, please email me at:

I am a Mom - my EMPowerplus Story


I am a mom of 7 children.

Having endured, I mean, been blessed with being pregnant 7 times and nursing 7 children, I felt a little more than depleted. I was always diligent in trying to nourish myself through the years but I still felt it wasn't enough. I also suffer from an autoimmune disorder called Sjogren's Syndrome.

  I just want to share with you MY STORY of something that I discovered. Back in May 2013, I finally admitted that I was really suffering with anxiety, especially with the prospect of going into summer with all my kids home. My sister told me that she had heard about a natural product to help people with anxiety, depression, insomnia, brain fog, ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc. I immediately felt like this was what I needed. I bought a bottle. It SAVED me from my anxiety. It took away the anxiety, the irritability, negative self-talk of 'I can't' and replaced it with 'I can.' I could finally fall asleep at night right away on my own without taking a sleep-aid. And to my surprise, took away my sciatica pain. I feel like I can do all that I need to do and be happy doing it. I started giving it to my ADD son. He got straight A's in school the first quarter and almost in the second quarter. He says that it just helps him feel better, think better, and he can concentrate better. It has taken away his internal anger and explosive reactions. Now, he is happy and calm 99% of the time! Can't complain about that!
Then I found out that a relative started taking it about the same time as I did who was suffering from bipolar disorder type II, Anxiety, and depression. Now she is off all her medications and is taking Q96 along with the Amino Acids product and is living a happy successful functional life.
After 6 months of taking Q96, I decided it was time to sign up to sell it so I can help other people find this and find relief from their symptoms.

Update: April 2016. Another significant benefit I have experienced is that I haven't had any cavities. I would always have 1-2 every 6 months. I've been taking Q96 for almost 2 years now and I haven't had a cavity in 2 years.

It's called EMPowerPlus Q96. It is a multi-vitamin that has been through a nano-chelation process for 96 hours taking vitamins and minerals and making them into a micronutrient that can pass through the brain-barrier and nourish the brain. Here is a quote from my website:
"EMPowerplus Q96 contains a balanced blend of 36 essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids in optimum ratios for optimal brain function, mental clarity and enhanced mood in both children and adults.
An all-natural formula, EMPowerplus Q96 is the most researched micronutrient supplement in the world, and is unlike any other vitamin or mineral formula on the market, due to its proprietary formulation and technology.
The formula’s power comes from using only the highest quality nutrients, the correct dosage of individual ingredients, and the precise combinations of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that interact to enhance potency and effectiveness. A proprietary 96-hour nano-chelation and micronization process dramatically increases the bioavailability of micronutrients for maximum uptake in the brain."
"The human brain needs a steady supply of micronutrients to function at its best, but many Americans don’t get adequate amounts in their standard diet. Deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals can have a negative impact both on cognitive performance and mood; for example, zinc deficiency can contribute to fatigue and irritability, and a shortage of thiamin may prevent production of important neurotransmitters. Research continues to show that the mind and body thrive when given the nutrients they need.
Key benefits:
*Supports mood stability, improved cognition, and overall brain health
*Helps sustain mental focus
*Reduces mental and emotional distress
*Nano-chelation and micronization process ensures increased bioavailability and maximum nutrient uptake in the brain
*Gluten, dairy, soy, nut and egg free"
Here is the link to my website if you want to learn more, read the ingredients, or see what more products the Q Sciences carries.

Disclaimer: Q Sciences products nor these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

My website:

If you would like to try a bottle of EMPowerplus Q96, Click HERE!

If you have any questions, please email me at: